Mr Chan and Pn Rabiah each owns a blog!
A freaking blog.
That's really amusing.
And Mr Chan's blog is all about....
:: Rolling on the floor laughing so hard she can hardly breathe ::
And I realized something from our mosquitoes killing stories. I'm a sadist. I mean I don't get pleasure by hurting other person, UNLESS they hurt me first. Self-defense. You can't blame me for that. But to be honest, I enjoy killing mosquitoes. I'll be like
" Die! You good-for-nothing mosquitoes! DIE!!! "
And even after it is officially dead, I wouldn't stop tazzing it with the mozzie racquet thingy. I'll tazz it until the blood sucker is burnt so badly, there ain't no spark no more. LOL. Can't help it. I'm a mozzie magnet =P
p/s I don't wanna high by myself. So let's get high on Tuesday night ;)