Today during Muet lesson, I've learned a new phrase, which is
" No man is an island. " - John Donne (1572-1631)
which means human does not thrive when isolated from others.
It reminded me of this phrase that I came across around two months ago, during my trip to Port Dickson.
The sky's the limit.
At first I thought that what the phrase is trying to convey is that the sky IS the limit. You cannot go further than that. And thought that it's very odd because I saw that phrase painted on one of the primary school's building. It can't be possible that the school is encouraging the students not to try their best in everything that they do.
I remember Convent's famous phrase painted on the staircase beside the tennis court.
Be the best. Beat the rest. Yes, we can!
But after thinking for some time, I finally realized that the actual meaning is that there is no apparent limit imposed because the sky is always referred to as infinity. There is not full stop to it. So it's actually a motivational phrase. Hee~
Moving on, I read this piece of article in Yahoo! Apparently, this fella in UK received his brand new iPhone 3G and once he launched the iTunes programme, he found a set of photos showing an Asian woman working on 'what appears to be an assembly line for iPhones'.
Go to this link to see the photos yourself.
Interesting eh?
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