Did I mentioned about a run-in with this Aeon Bt Tinggi staff before? I think some of you may know. Lol.
It happened about a month ago and I've lodged a complain by emailing the AEON Careline. The respond from them was instant which took me by surprise. Lol. I received an email with apologies and request for the description of the staffs and also my personal information so that they could "assist" me better. Told them what they want to know except for my personal information cos I didn't think that it is relevant for me to do so.
After that there was no news from them, so I thought oh what the heck? I just want them to look into this matter and make sure that none of the crap that I had that day would happen again.
And today, after almost a month, I received an email from them to update me about that despicable woman. Apparently they had given her a warning and said that she would be transferred if this matter is repeated. And I can go collect my change that was not given back to me.
Seriously, I heck care about that RM3. I just couldn't stand their longkang service, especially that woman. She acted like she own Aeon. Pffttt....
So if any of you meet any irresponsible staff of Aeon, go and lodge a complain. You've got nothing to lose. Lol.