Thursday, January 22, 2009

super bored

Note : I shall not disclose the identity for safety purposes. I might get harassed or killed by enraged fangirls XD

I was rotting my guts out when I came across this photo and it had me staring at it for a few seconds.

Not because of the washboard abs! XD But because of it's authenticity. It freaking look like it's sprayed on and in my opinion, it's too well-toned for a 19 year old. LOL. So what do ya guys think?

Option A : It's the real deal! It is possible for a 19 year old to have that kind of body. Look at you-know-who *chuckles*


Option B : It's a FAKE! Duh?! It's soooooo obvious!

I'd go for option B =P


Anonymous said...

faked abs!!! lol
ROFL hehe... i know i'm being "mo liu"...=P

Rubin said...

ahh.. it's okay.. i'm being mou liu too XD