Monday, December 19, 2011

End of December please come quickly. This is the first time I ever anticipate for the year to end FAST, more specifically, for my intern to end quickly. Working with *cough*malays*cough* are a huge pain in the arse. Especially the ones that acts like miss know-it-all and doesn't confront you when there is mistakes but go behind your back like literally behind my back and say things like "oh, I'm the one taking the bullet later"

Oh hell you will. I'm not gonna save your sorry arse. That was your job anyways that I had to take over because you decided not to work for an entire damn week because the small boss offended your little fragile heart. (Fyi, I'm not the small boss. heh) Oh and I bet when there's problem with accounts, you'll go and complain to the boss and accountant that it's MY fault, you don't know anything about it because you weren't there like what I've seen you did for countless of times since I started interning.

Well sorry to say Imma work for another 3 weeks only and then I'm out of here. Plus, I'm the niece you see so for the boss to blame/scold mua? FAT CHANCE! Irresponsible? HAH! Look who's talking. Point the finger back at yourself and shut your big fat mouth if you ever think of saying that about me cos you're not THAT responsible like you kept telling everyone you are.

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